
Showing posts from January, 2019

In My Honest Opinion... The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

     I constantly strive to be a neatly organized person; when my belongings are in order, my world seems to be in order. As a side effect of this, I love reading books about organization, and, lately, I've been on a minimalism kick. I'm not a huge proponent of minimalism for myself- I love having stuff- but t hat being said, the philosophy itself is intriguing, and people who can actually pull it off are highly commendable. Marie Kondo's The Life Changning Magic of Tidying Up is just the newest novel in a series of my beloved tidying type books. For one reason or another, this book really blew up, resulting in a sequel, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, a Netflix tv show, and a cult following.      Marie Kondo posits an interesting way of tidying and organizing any space: KonMari. This methodology has a set of unique rules that must be strictly adhered to for the best chance of success. The first step is clothing. 1) Gather al

In My Honest Opinion... Women Should Be Drafted

     Should men have to pay taxes? Historically, they are the breadwinners for their families- bringing home money for necessary things like food, shelter, clothing, etc. They have been the ones to protect our country by laying down their lives in countless wars, regardless of their beliefs on the war being fought. Additionally, men are statistically most likely to have a violent crime committed against them- murder, robbery, assault. So, really, it's time for the women to step up and shoulder our share of the burden placed on men.      Obviously, I'm joking- it is a ridiculous proposition for a whole slew of reasons. That being said, I used the hyperbole to demonstrate how ludicrous it is that the government may implement a law- like the draft- which applies to all of one gender but completely excludes the other.  In the world today where women are striving toward  equality in things like pay and opportunity, women should also be held responsible for standards that men may be