A Mini Life Update

     This post will be a little different from my regular blog posts. Instead of writing an opinion piece on some topic, I will be- as the title suggests- giving a small life update about what has been going on in my life recently, and what I am planning for the future - short-term at least.
     As of this past week, I have become a community college graduate with the completion of my Associate's Degree. This has been a big deal for me- something that has taken me four years to achieve. I started my illustrious community college career at the age of sixteen, taking dual credit classes in high school. Since I was sixteen, I have taken seventy-seven hours of classes. Some of them necessary for my degree; some of them not so much... Also during my stint at school, I changed my degree plan once- something that I wasn't initially planning on doing.
     As some of you may remember, my initial plan was to go into Business and Advertising. I had big plans to attend the UT School of Business after ACC and go into advertising with the goal of opening my own advertising firm. After taking an intro-level economics course, that plan quickly changed. I do not have a mind for business, something that I'm glad I learned at a small school before jumping into UT and floundering.
     After Business, the plan became Communications. A Communications degree is so versatile, and I can use it for just about anything that I may want to do. I love the art of communication and, as a lover of people and interaction, I realize that this degree is something that I can use in my everyday life regardless of its usefulness in the career field.
     Now comes the next steps and, I have to be honest, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. For years, the plan has been to go into Psychology and become a child psychologist. Next, the plan was to attend Seminary and become a Youth and Families Pastor. Other ideas I've tossed around: mortician, pathologist, criminal justice, nanny (not for long-term), teacher, social worker.
     I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what next steps I want to take and coming up empty because I just don't know what I want to do yet. Then, I realized: that it's okay. I don't need to have my life's plan set in stone yet. Instead of committing to any career yet, I've decided to continue my education in Communications. I'm taking the Fall semester off from school- a break I desperately need- to apply to colleges. Then, in January, I will be attending a four-year university to complete my Bachelor's degree.
     Currently, I have six schools that I am looking at- Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston, Texas Woman's, University of North Texas, Angelo State, and my lovely UT. All are great schools that I am going to tour in July. This means that I will also be moving out of my parent's home. I've decided that I want the "traditional" college experience, and that means getting a dormmate in school.
     I am very excited by the world of opportunities and I intend to enjoy as many as I can. In January, I will likely announce where I am going to school, where I will be living, and what degree I plan on pursuing in the future. Until then, I will be figuring out where I want to attend school, working, and taking a bit of a breather from the chaos of school.
     During my break, I really want to have some fun. I want to read good books, enjoy the company of good friends, and eat good food. I've compiled a mini bucket list I'm hoping to complete before January. Some such items are: go dancing, read Atlas Shrugged, go to a concert, bake, and go on a road trip. If you'd like to help me achieve some of these items or have some suggestions for my list, please feel free to let me know. For once, I'm trying to take things as they come and enjoy the journey. 


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