Musings on Wanderlust

     For as long as I can remember, my parents have loved to travel. When I was a kid, my dad used to travel frequently for work. When he returned home, he would regale us with stories of shenanigans from the airport, and tell us how much he enjoyed the different cultures, experiences, and adventures of visiting new places. My mom traveled a bit in college with her debate team, but, after she had kids, my mom's traveling came to an abrupt pause. Now, my parents take a trip together at least twice a year- they say it's good for their relationship to get away for a weekend.
     At first, the travel bug that runs in my family stayed dormant within me. I've never despised traveling, but it always brought a level of anxiety that wasn't outweighed by the fun of the journey. As a kid, my family went on some small road trips to places like San Antonio, Houston, and Lubbock. Later on, we also went on road trips to Colorado, Mexico, and Wisconsin. These shorter trips helped me see that I would survive living out of a suitcase for a few days, and being in a place where I don't know a single person.
     Eventually, I went started going to places without my family. I went to West Texas to attend camp, I went to Indiana to be a member of Triennium. My youth group went to Houston, South Dakota, and Arkansas to do mission work. I joined some church members and traveled down to the border. All of these trips added to my confidence and travel savviness.
     There is one distinct point, however, when I realized that the travel bug was fully awakened. A few years ago, I went on a class trip to London. It was myself, and six other teenagers with two parent sponsors set loose in gorgeous London and nearby Stratford-upon-Avon. This trip was one that triggered a love of travel. It taught me a lot of practical things about travel- always pack at least an extra T-shirt and never forget deodorant- but it mostly triggered a wanderlust within me that cannot be satiated.
     I want to go and experience new places in a way I never have before- see new things, eat new foods, meet new people. There's a desire to go and experience in a way I never have in the past.


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