A Little About Me

          I believe when one starts a blog it is oh-so-necessary to have a slightly narcissistic post waxing poetic about yourself and your accomplishments, as well as your list of credentials. I have no credentials of which to speak, and I greatly dislike talking about myself. I'm sure you can play armchair psychologist and wonder what that says about my psyche, but at the end of the day, I dislike being the subject of conversation. As to why I'm starting a blog without any real sustenance behind my opinions? Well, that's just it. These pieces are going to be my opinion. No one needs to be well-versed in the ways of the world to have an opinion. Even little kids have opinions: "My mom is mean because she won't let me watch TV."
          I'm a twenty-year-old college student. Currently, I'm attending a local community college. Yes, I know the stereotypes that come with attending community college- laziness, stupidity, trade school. Mostly, I'm attending community college to knock out some core classes while avoiding crippling student loans debt. I enjoy school, but it's definitely a stepping stone. It's a place people go through on the way to a better, more expensive, four-year university. It's a difficult place to make friends or envision the future. You're surrounded by slightly embittered adults who are returning to school for degrees after popping out a few babies or youth fresh out high school, brimming with excitement about what their future holds for them. I've been there long enough where I'm leaning more towards joining the silver-haired group. Even though I'm nearing the end of my community college time, it still feels as though I've been there forever and will never leave.
         Some other quick facts about myself. I was homeschooled since the first grade: yes, I'm socialized, I liked it, and I didn't miss going to school. I love to read. It's been a passion of mine ever since I was young; I now average about 150 books a year. Some of my favorite TV shows include The Office, Parks and Rec, and Frasier. I listen to all kinds of music. Really, I do. I'm well-versed in musicals, Eminem, some pop, lots of older country, and an array of oldies. Finally, I'm opinionated. Big surprise.
          This blog is a place for me to voice some of my opinions. It's not meant to be polarizing or problematic. It's meant to be a place for civil discussion- a place where varying viewpoints can come together and be discussed without efforts to shout others out or unproductive fighting. Let's just remember to be kind and treat each other with some human decency, m'kay?



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