In My Honest Opinion... I Feel Like A Bad Feminist

     I consider myself to be a feminist. I believe that women are just as good as men, that men and women should have equal rights, and that women have been historically repressed because of their otherness in a world run by men. I do not, however, consider myself to be a proponent of this new fangled fourth wave of feminism, and that makes me feel like a bad feminist. In a world where the word "feminist" has become synonymous with women shouting out other groups to make their point, I find myself disagreeing with more and more of the things that feminists claim to stand for. Does this mean that I am still a feminist- albeit a poor one?
    I was at eating dinner with some family friends when someone pointed out that the menu had three food items in a series; it was a grilled chicken meal with varying levels of add-ons and flavors. These meals were called: the Fit Chick, the Hot Chick, and the Fat Chick. While I was perturbed that a restaurant would feel the need to pick on women in this manner, I didn't really think a whole lot of it until someone else mentioned it and how angry it made them. While the food titles had bothered me, it didn't register quite register as something that I needed to feel strongly about. Is this something I should feel anger towards? If I got angry any time I saw something that objectified women, I'd be angry almost all of the time. I don't have to be okay with this objectification, but does it have to make me upset? 
     There are so many instances where my reaction isn't the 'right' one. I don't believe that abortions are a feminist issue, I don't believe the patriarchy is the root of all issues that women face, I'm not going to vote for a candidate simply because they're a woman, I like makeup and wear it often, I don't feel the need to walk around unshaven, I don't approve of women being held on a pedestal because of past transgressions.
     Is there some middle ground where modern feminists and people like me can meet? Probably not. I fundamentally have a different belief system than the feminists of today do. I believe that men and women should be equal. Feminists now are calling for justice against sexual assault and harassment, equal pay, and bodily autonomy. While I don't disagree with the push for justice, I disagree with the way feminists today are approaching it. Additionally, I think that there are a lot more nuances behind sexual assault cases that simply ignored in favor of believing the victim no matter what.
    Feminists and I often take different approaches to the same issues. While feminists often feel the need to shout others out, this is not helpful in inciting change or creating dialogue. I also dislike the victim mentality that has been adopted. I heard of this social justice group in Austin where women of color get to speak first, because they are the group that has been most oppressed in the past, then women, then men of color, and, finally -if there is still time- white men. This isn't helpful. 
     While I don't identify with much of what modern feminism pushes for and I don't like the way they push for change, I still want to identify as a feminist because it is a blanket term that is widely accepted. I, now, am a woman who feels like feminists are trying to take away her feminist card while others are still trying to lump her in with that group. We'll see if I can summon up the nerve to shed the title, and, if so, what title next aptly applies.


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